Indo Meubel is a furniture company located in Jepara Regency, Central Java Province. The company's business process starts with receiving orders from customers, then purchasing semi-finished materials from craftsmen and additional materials needed for production, and ends with delivering finished goods to customers. Operational activities at Indo Meubel face various challenges, such as estimati…
PT Techpack Asia merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi kemasan produk kosmetik. UAP (Unit Autonomous Production) Lean memiliki sub bagian yaitu bagian injection, dan bagian decoration and assembly, masalah yang ditemukan yaitu terjadi keterlambatan pada station line quality check spring produk LC-012 ysng disebabkan pengecekan masih dilakukan secara manual oleh operator dengan mata t…
Indo Meubel is a furniture company located in Jepara Regency, Central Java Province. Indo Meubel's business process starts with receiving orders from customers, then purchasing semi-finished goods from craftsmen and additional materials needed for the production process, to delivering finished goods to customers. Indo Meubel's operational activities face various challenges, such as unrecorded t…
Indo Meubel is a furniture company located in Jepara Regency, Central Java Province. Indo Meubel's business process begins with receiving orders from customers, then purchasing semi-finished materials from craftsmen and additional materials needed for the production process, and finally delivering the finished goods to customers. In the inventory system, the company has not conducted regular re…
Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor andalan untuk mengendalikan keberlangsungan hidup negara Indonesia, terutama untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik, produksi buah-buahan hortikultura dalam negeri pada meningkat sebesar 9,47% dari tahun sebelumnya. Namun, hal tersebut menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi produsen pertanian karena masih banyak kendala y…