PT. Mitrametal Perkasa (MMP) merupakan perusahaan penanaman modal dalam negeri (PMDN) yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur otomotif berbasis sistem pengereman yang didirikan pada 15 Juli 1997 di Karawang, Jawa Barat. Salah satu Department PT. Mitrametal Perkasa yaitu Department Stamping di line progressive ditemukan masalah mesin press stamping sering berhenti ketika tempat penampungan skrap penu…
Leas system used car dealer Anton continues to use a system manually or through a memorandum of lease leas notes. This manual system has the disadvantage, among others: not efficient for the time in the recording and recovery of data. In order to overcome the disadvantages caused by the manual system used by Anton Motor Dealer. Anton Motor must puts the right information systems and coordinated…