Perumnas is a State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the form of Public Corporation (Perum) where all of the shares are owned by the Government. Housing was established as a government solution to provide adequate housing for the middle to the bottom. Which one is Pucang Gading Housing. The purpose of this final project is to determine the effect of location, facilities, and b…
The purpose of this final project are to identify consumers identity, to analyze the influence of service quality to purchasing decisions of Tawang Jaya train service at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) DAOP IV Semarang, and identify the most dominnt variable the influence purchasing decisions rail transportation Tawang Jaya at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) DAOP IV Semar…
The purposes of this research were to find out the profiles of the respondents, to analyze the impact of motivation and labor discipline on the employees’ job satisfaction, to determined the variables of employees’ job satisfaction, and to discover the most dominant variable of the impact of motivation and labor discipline of employee toward the employees’ job satisfaction. The Methods o…
The problems that occur in the PT Kompas Gramedia Circulation Semarang is not achieving the set target center. In this case the lowest percentage achieved in August 2013 by 78%. Where is the independent varible ad (X1), and sales promotion (X2). while the dependent variable is the purchase decision (Y). The purpose of this study is to analyze advertising and sales promotion of purchas…
The purpose of the study was to determine whether the variables of work motivation and work environment variables partially and simultaneously have a significant impact on employee performance and to determine which variables of work motivation and work environment that is more dominant influenced on employee performance. Meanwhile, to prove the hypothesis of the study, the analysis tools used …
This research aimed to idevitify the influence of the quality, price and brand on purchase interest of Suzuki NEX at PT Indosunmotor Gemilang Semarang (Suzuki Pusat),especially in the area west of Semarang either partially and simultaneously. Analysis tools used in this research are quantitative analysis (validity and reliability), multiple regression analysis, t-test, F and coefficient of dete…
TRP Kartini is one of the marine tourism that mainstay in the Rembang area which is being pursued to maximize management in order to increase the number of tourist visits. The number of tourists visit is affect by tourism product that offered in general. There are attraction, facilities, and accessibility. So need to do research with the purpose to know how is affect of attraction, facilitie…
The purpose of the research are: 1) to analyze the influence of organization culture towards employee job satisfaction at PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan. 2) to analyze the influence of work motivation towards employee job satisfaction at PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan. 3) to analyze the influence of organization culture and work motivation towards employee job sat…
Semarang is a big city which has high artistic value. The artists secretly began to develop there especially those whose interest are in fine art. The progress is hindered by several obstacles one of them is less gallery and events to accomodate the potential of the artists. Caricatures and comic strip is a work of art which has potential economic value. Workshop and Draw Contest (Caricature an…
The purpose of the final project to identify the influence of motivation and job satisfaction on employee at PT Industri Gula Nusantara from the value from the perspektif individual. Variable is a choice a motivation and job satisfaction. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. the method of collecting data are interview, questionaires, observation, and literature review. The stat…