Pengaruh Kebutuhan Level Tinggi (Higher-Order Need) Abraham Maslow Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Karyawan Pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang
The primary purpose of the research is to the find out the influence of Abraham Maslow’s higher order need on staff achievement motivation at PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang. The method in collecting data was observation, interview, literature review and distributing questionnaires to 45 staff which had III and IV class in public servant in PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang.
The result of the simple linier regression was Y = 20.491 + 0.729 X. It means that higher order need and achievement motivation had positive correlation. The correlation analysis indicated R = 0.542, it means that correlation between higher order need and achievement motivation was sufficient and positive. Then, the t test from the influence Abraham Maslow’s higher order need to staff achievement motivation indicated that t count 2.645 is bigger than t table 2.017 by using two side test of 5 %. This shows that Ho was refused, it means there was an influence of Abraham Maslow’s higher order need to staff achievement motivation at PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang.
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