Kebutuhan air bersih pada suatu hotel dapat dihitung berdasarkan jumlah penghuni/tamu serta jenis dan jumlah alat plambing. Untuk kamar dihitung berdasarkan jumlah tamu dan untuk public function dihitung berdasarkan jenis dan jumlah alat plambing. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Hotel Laras Asri yang beralamat di Jl. Jendral Sudirman 335, kecamatan Argomulya, Kotamadya Salatiga. Tujuan penelitian…
The purpose this final project has several objectives, namely knowing the role of PR in creating the image on Banyumanik hospital, knowing what efforts should be made to maintain the image of public relations at the hospital Banyumanik Semarang and Identify the function of PR, whether conducted by public relations and the Hospital within theory . In preparing this final writing method descript…
food&beverage business if is managed by professional management Public relations is one of significant factors because as mediator between consumen with management in creating positif image. The aim of final report is to know activities, strategy and role by public relations in creating positif image and to understand how community opinion about activities Public relatios. Data collection us…
Public Relations strategy are very important in a company. It always needs positive image, because good image can help the company have a good relationship and acceptance from the customers and public in general. Purpose of this report is to figure out Public Relations strategy, to identify public relations strategy in maintaining the company’s image. Descriptive written final report wit…
Companies in indonesia grow rapidly, they compete to achive their progress. Every company needs special board to run its Public Relations. The existence of Public Relations as a useful mediator between the company with the public. This cooperations involves internal and external relationship with the internal organization with employees, company’s leader and shareholder, while the exter…
Public Relations is one of the aspects of management that are needed by every company because public relations is just one element that determines the survival of the company positively. The purpose of this final report is to determine the role of Public Relations in enhancing the positive image of the company through a program of social responsibility and know what efforts should be made to…
The marketing communication is necessary not only in a company but also in an institution. Small Taxpayers Office in West Semarang uses advertising and public relation to enhance the level of tax compliance in the return of the annual SPT, because of tax compliance could be the one which influences income in the tax sector. The primary purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of ad…
PTPN is a governmen owned company which,concerned in agroindustry sector,with understanding respect each other; mantain good relationship with society.and making good image of the company , so the aim of the company can be reached The primary pupose of the final project is to find out the role of public relations in building good image of PTPN The data were co…