Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel Bauran Pemasaran (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) terhadap Keputusan Nasabah Menabung Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Kantor Cabang Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Nasabah aktif Tabungan BSM pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Kantor Cabang Semarang. Dan untuk sample dan responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 75 …
Berdasarkan Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI) yang menghadirkan “Bank Service Excellence Monitor (BSEM) 2011-2012”, BRI belum bisa menempati posisi pertama melainkan berada pada posisi kelima. Serta hasil survei ISMS, BRI hanya termasuk 10 bank terbaik berdasarkan dimensi responsiveness saja. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa BRI masih kalah bersaing dengan bank–bank lainnya seperti Mandir…
The business world today has evolved situation a more complex, more competitive, fastmoving and increasingly unpredictable situation. Domestic consumption of goods and services a variety of perceived needs grow. This is in line with the cultural influence of industrial progress in trade and international marketing activities, which can also be felt in Indonesia. The higher level of competition,…
PT. Television Semarang Indonesia as the first local television company in Semarang is moved to innovate for promotion process. Relating to the products of this company which have a variety of events and advertising programs E-commerce as one of the media provides a lot of convenience both the company and potential customers. The purposes of this final project a…
Regional sales office in Central Java PT Sinar Sosro is a company engaged in the field of bottled drinking water in indonesia and in the world. PT Sinar Sosro has a philosophy that goodwill towards consumers and the environment. good intentions are described to be concerned about the quality, care for the safety, care for the health and environmentally friendly. The primary purpose of the f…
The perception of customers is very important for a company because it could help PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Divisi Area VI Central Java and DIY. In the competitive world situation, both the delivery service owned by private and government organizations make more stringent aspects of customer service are important things that must be managed properly. The purpose of this study is to compa…
PT Fastfood Indonesia, Tbk was established by business groups registered on the tahun1978 and gelael as a public company since 1994. the company began franchising business by opening the first KFC restaurant in October 1979 at the melawai, Jakarta The purpose of this final project are to determine the influence of sales promotion on purchasing decision at KFC Pandanaran Semarang The sampl…
This study is based on long term orientation. The purpose of the study is to analyze how much influence each variable that includes trust, communication, satisfaction, and commitment to long term relationships. Study has the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y), where the independent variable is the trust (X1), communication (X2), satisfaction (X3), and commitment (X4). While…
They are many music band with is still as an indies labels and they still try to go through the major labels. In fact they are just a little chance to show up their performance, based on that reason, we held a music concert with accoustic style with label “BATIKUSTIK” which will be a media to performance indie band from Semarang, to show and explore they skill and performance. The porpose t…