The globalization era encourages the company to expand and develop their market. Goods and services can move freely to all regions of the world without being limited by distance and time. This movement is supported by the development in computer technology and telecommunications. Internet as the unlimited source of information, can deliver the interactive and easy acces information, and websi…
People in modern era make benefits from many discoveries and inventions of technology that have tremendous progress in all sectors. The need of information, recently, represents how important the internet is, because it makes possible for us to communicate each other. As information media and source which is not limited, internet can submit information to all people who require it for interativ…
Limited commodities market and the poor efficiency of promotion system for society causes the unreach of maximal turnover of furniture. The rapidity of Internet technology development could support the e-commerce system application for selling product. The purpose of this final project is to build an e-commerce website of UD Sumber Rejeki Furniture Semarang for marketing and selling produc…
The globalization era encourages the company to expand and develop their market. Goods and services can move freely to all regions of the world without being limited by distance and time. This movement is supported by the rapid development in information technology and telecommunications. Internet as the unlimited source of information can deliver the interactive and easy acces of information, …
Di era sekarang, banyak organisasi menawarkan transaksi e-commerce melalui website. WebQual merupakan metode untuk mengukur kualitas website, khususnya website e-commerce. Pada penelitian ini, kualitas website Qoo10 Indonesia diukur melalui persepsi konsumen atau pengguna website. Dimensi WebQual 4.0 meliputi usability, information, dan service interaction quality dibagi lagi menjadi sub dimens…
Setiap muslim pasti pernah melakukan perjalanan, baik perjalan darat, laut, maupun udara. Tetapi ketika melakukan perjalanan, seorang muslim atau seorang musafir sering melupakan adab atau tingkah laku yang seharusnya dilakukan.. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut dibuatlah Tugas Akhir Safar Guide : Aplikasi Panduan Dalam Perjalanan Berbasis Web.. Tujuan dari pembuatan Tugas Akhir ini membuat …