The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of implementation occupational health and safety to toll gatherer employee’s working motivation at PT Trans Marga Jateng. The data were collected by doing observation, literature studies and questionnaire. The techniques of taking sample are probability sampling. The population of this research are the toll gatherer employees, the…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesehatan PT BPR Dutabhakti Insani dengan menggunakan metode CAMEL selama periode tahun 2011-2014 apakah masuk dalam kategori sehat, cukup sehat, kurang sehat atau tidak sehat. CAMEL memiliki lima aspek, yaitu aspek permodalan menggunakan rasio CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), aspek kualitas aktiva produktif menggunakan rasio KAP (Kualitas Aktiva P…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat kesehatan bank berdasarkan rasio permodalan, kualitas aktiva produktif, Manajemen, Rentabilitas dan Likuiditas pada PT. BPR Arthapuspa Mega Adiwerna Kab. Tegal Periode 2012-2014. penelitian ini dilakukan mengacu pada Surat Keputusan Direksi Bank Indonesia No. 30/12/KEP/DIR dan SEBI No. 30/3/UPPB tanggal 30 April 1997. Data yang digunakan dalam pe…
THE INFLUENCE OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ON THE EMPLOYEES’ SATISFACTION AT PT KERETA API INDONESIA (Persero) DAOP IV SEMARANG Working satisfaction is one factor to promote employees’ performance to realize company goal. Working satisfaction is very important for an organization. Occupational health and safety is a significant factor that affects the employees’ satisfaction. The pr…
THE INFLUENCE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH TOWARD PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES OF PT PLN (PERSERO) DISTRIBUTION MANAGER AREA CENTRAL JAVA AND YOGYAKARTA The purpose of the study was to explain the influence of occupational safety and health toward performance of employees of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Manager Area Central Java and Yogyakarta. The method for doing the research was regressi…
TITLE: “THE EMPLOYEES’ PERCEPTION OF IMPLEMENTATION THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) AT PT PELABUHAN INDONESIA III (PERSERO) TANJUNG EMAS SEMARANG BRANCH” The purpose of the study is to find out employees’ perception of implementation the occupational health and safety program, based on prevention eforts toward the risk of accidents and occupational diseases in work place. To a…