The customer satisfaction is the important factor for the company to reach their purpose. PT Trans Marga Jateng is the company that organize the Semarang-Solo highway. The good service is the important thing for PT Trans Marga Jateng to improve their income. Therefore the good quality service will satisfy the user of highway. The purpose of the final project are to know the quality of serv…
The purpose of this reseach was to identify the influence of training and working motivation to employees satisfaction of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pesero) Cabang Tajung Emas Semarang. Questionnaire, Interview and literature studies are the instruments used to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 60 employee as respondents. The data analysis used the method of multiple linier reg…
This research was conducted at PT Pelabuhan indonesia III branch Tanjung emas Semarang, a company engaging in providing the harbour service which always gives satisfaction to the stakeholders. So it is important for the company to motivate employees to work to achieve jobs satisfaction so that employees can improve their performance. The purpose, of this research were to find out the influence …
The purpose of this final report was to identify the influence of organizational culture, leadership and working motivation to employee’s satisfaction at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Branch Tanjung Emas Semarang. Questionnaire, Interview and literature studies were the instruments to use to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 60 employee’s as respondents. The data ana…
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Cabang Tanjung Emas Semarang merupakan salah satu perusahaan Badan Milik Usaha Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak penyedia layanan prasarana perhubungan laut. Dalam mengukur Aspek keuangan perusahaan BUMN, maka perlu dilakukan suatu penganalisaan laporan keuangan. Penganalisaan laporan keuangan bertujuan untuk mempermudah penyampaian informasi mengenai kondisi keua…
PT. Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk is a public company founded in Jakarta on October 4, 1975 which is engaged in transportation, opened a branch office in Semarang in 2004. To achieve the mission of the company is becoming the leading shipping company in Indonesia, the company needs to pay attention on customer loyalty. However, in the year 2010-2014 the number of customers decreased. The purp…
Perhitungan harga pokok pada awalnya diterapkan dalam perusahaan manufaktur, akan tetapi dalam perkembangannya perhitungan harga pokok telah diadaptasi oleh perusahaan jasa. Harga pokok mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam menentukan harga jual jasa. Apabila perhitungan harga pokok Jasa terlalu rendah memang akan menarik minat konsumen, namun hal ini menyebabkan hasil penjualan jasa tida…