Bottled Mineral Water (AMDK) product competition in Indonesia is very strict. So the manufacturers are increasingly motivated to create products that can compete and try to meet the desires and tastes of consumers. The purposes of this final project were to know the influence of product quality and price on purchasing decision AMDK Pelangi brand CV. Tirta Makmur in Kecamatan Ungaran Barat, t…
Penelitian Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah dilakukan pada PT Pegadaian Unit Boja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Mengetahui tingkat kualitas nasabah 2) Mengetahui tingkat Loyalitas nasabah 3) Mengetahui Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan baik secara simultan maupun parsial tehadap Loyalitas Nasabah Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebar kuesioner kepa…
The purpose of final project was to find out how big the influence ofadvertising, sales promotion, and publicity on purchasing decision pertamax product consumers in Semarang. This research used Slovin method sampling with the respondents was 97 pertamax counsumers. The analysis techniques used analysis and multiple regression analysis. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 2…
At the present time, the business competition world is growing rapidly among the enterpreneurs’ community, especially in the services sector, which also felt the situation this time is a car repair shop. The increasing competitor is marked by emerging of new in Semarang. Companies that want to grow and to win the business should provide a good or service quality. White appropiate quality of …
Temperatur sering kali menjadi suatu hal yang penting dan perlu diperhatikan. Untuk menjadikan temperatur yang dapat terpantau perlu adanya alat yang dapat membaca terperatur tersebut. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut dilakukan pembuatan alat yang dapat membaca temperatur dari objek pengukuran yang dapat dibaca dimanapun kita berada tanpa harus mendekat pada titik pengukuran sela…
Pengoperasian peralatan pengatur suhu ruangan pada umumnya masih menggunakan on-off yang masih cukup besar kesalahan pengukuran dan ketidaktepatan pada suhu yang dihasilkan.Untuk itu pengatur suhu menggunakan PID akan lebih menstabilkan suhu yang dihasilkan dan mengurangi error yang terjadi. Untuk mengontrol PID menggunakan PC yang difungsikan sebagai pengatur suhu yang diinginkan. Yang dikontr…
Product and price is related to consumers decision of pos packet’s services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of product and price on consumers decision of Pos Packet’s services. In this research, datas were collected by questionnaire method using purposive sampling for 90 respondens of Pos Packet’s consumers. This research also use qualitative and quantitative dat…
The purposes of the final project were to measure the customers’ satisfaction level toward PT Pos Indonesia performance in delivering mails and packages, and also to know and to find out which service variables have the strongest and the weakest value impacting customers’ satisfaction toward PT Pos Indonesia. The final project assignment was written using analysis-descriptive method. The te…
PT Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Central Java is a production oriented company. Production activities will run fluently when the movement of raw materials from warehouse to the production effectively and efficiently. The goal of this research are, first find the main causes of inefficiency in the use of forklift. Second providing solution to the inefficiency in the use of forklift. Thi…