THE EFFECT OF ADVERTISING, SALES PROMOTION, PERSONAL SELLING, PUBLIC RELATION AND PUBLICATION TOWARDS THE EQUITY OF TOYOTA CAR BRAND AT NASMOCO DEALER SEMARANG The difficulty to win the hearts of consumers in automotive sector required companies to keep their creativity in innovating and developing the products and also in marketing their products. A good product needs to be supported with go…
The problem at Aryani Art was a decrease in export sales in 2014. It was indicated by the decrease in product purchasing of eceng gondok on Aryani Art. This study aims analyze the influence of advertising, sales promotion, mass media and personal selling on purchasing decisions of Aryani Art. In this study, researchers used the entire population of consumers of Aryani Art. The method used is p…
Ada berbagai masalah yang terjadi di dalam sebuah perusahaan, antara lain adalah masalah tentang penentuan harga pokok produksi. Dalam penentuan harga jual ini sangatlah penting bagi perusahaan karena dapat mempengaruhi laba yang didapat. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini membahas tentang Bagaimanakah perhitungan Harga Jual mesin foto copy pada CV. Unggul Jaya Semarang. Dan Bagaimanakah penerapan metode H…
Title: THE INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT QUALITY AND PERSONAL SELLING ON CONSUMERS SATISFACTION ON TOYOTA NEW YARIS AT PT. NASMOCO PEMUDA SEMARANG The primary purpose of this final project is to identify the influence of product quality and personal selling on consumers satisfaction on Toyota New Yaris at PT. Nasmoco Pemuda Semarang. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling t…