Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui “Bagaimana Meningkatkan Kepuasan Nasabah?” pada kualitas layanan PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah Capem Gayamsari Semarang dengan 5 (lima) dimensi kualitas jasa. Data diperoleh dari wawancara dan kuesioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis indeks kepuasan yang digunakan untuk mengukur kepuasan nasabah Tabun…
Penelitian yang berjudul “Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Nasabah Tabungan HARIAN Pada PT. Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906, Tbk Cabang Semarang” bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi tingkat kepuasan nasabah sebuah produk tabungan bank berdasarkan Tangible (bentuk fisik), Reliability (kehandalan), Responsiveness (daya tanggap), Assurance (jaminan), dan Empathy (empati, perhatian) pada PT. Bank Himpunan Sa…
Company’s service can create client satisfaction. It means that good service can be measured according to user’s point of view. So, company must pay attention to clients’ and make them pleased and satisfied. The object of this research is Kupedes of BRI Banyumanik’s Unit. The purpose of this research is to analyse how kupedes's client satisfaction On BRI Banyumanik's Unit BRI'S Branch O…
The object of this research is bima saving of Bank Jateng. The objectives of the research are to know client’s perception on some dimension of bima saving service, and to know how many satisfaction indicator of customer’s bima saving with bank performance. The population of this research is bima saving clients. The total of sample of this research were 100 persons/clients. Sampling techniq…
The purpose of the final project are to know the quality of service given and know the satisfaction level of customers that was given by rumah makan bandeng budheng, Rumah Makan Bandeng Budheng is the type of service food and drink busines that must always give attention quality. By giving attention of quality service to the customers, Rumah makan bandeng budheng will success in the future. To …
The aim of this research is to analyse consumer (patient) satisfaction analysis to service quality in medicinal treatment of public hall PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java. 76 respondents were as samples of consumer who are using the service quality in medical treatment. The sampling methods used were independent sampling. The data collection methods were observation, interview, ques…
This study is to find out how the service quality including reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, tangibles provided by the officer in PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Jawa Tengah can satisfy the customers. The respondents’ response evaluated the importance and the performance of the company consisting the above five service quality dimensions. The dat…
The purpose of this research was to determine whether employees were satisfied with the work performance assessment conducted by Hotel Plaza Semarang. Methods of the collection data were done through interviews, literature studies and interview quide to 50 respondents at the Hotel Plaza Semarang. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. this study also used primary and secon…
The number of complaints from the public about post-paid electricity is still considered as one of many shortcomings such as meter reading, the bill is uncertain, delinquent accounts, the loads are not paid according to usage. To the PT. PLN (Persero) to make innovations in the form of electricity prepaid service programs to address grievances and improve the quality of care. The purpose of th…
Product Attributes can create customer's satisfaction. If customers are satisfied with product attributes given, they will keep on buying the company products. Company should maintain and increase their customer's satisfaction. The purposes of this research are to find out the correlation of product attributes with customer's satisfaction of Meteor newspaper Semarang, to find out the strengt…