TITLE: ROLE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND STRATEGY TO INCREASE ITS IMAGE AT PT KERETA API INDONESIA (PERSERO) DAERAH OPERASI 4 SEMARANG Public Relations is a bridge connecting two-way communication between a company with both internal and external stakeholders. The position of public relations in a company become one of the cornerstones of success of the company. The role of public relations as an i…
In this globalization era, which many kinds of product are produced to fulfil need of human lifestyles. And it causes competition between companies. Therefore, a company has to be more selective in determining product type and prepare strategy to be competitive in the business world. CV Kalika Intergraha Semarang is one of furniture companies in Semarang. In facing the international market co…
Promotion is one element of marketing mix which used by company to achieve the success of marketing program. Promotion through media has purposes to spread the information, persuade and remember the consumers of product or service offered. Due to the importance of promotion, the company needs many techniques to promote for increasing sales of product or service, especially at PT Kereta Api (Per…
PT Rakida Surya Mandiri is a contractor services company that often participation the procurement auctions. Auction strategy is a very important factor for the company to win the auction contractor procurement of goods and services, for the viability of the company. Objectives of this final project are to describe the tender process and the strategy that adopted by PT Rakida Sury…
To confront the competition to survive in any business, every company must have promotional strategies. They are important factors due to the fact that promotion can provide the information needed by consumers. The appropriate promotional strategies should be in accordance with the plan before. The purposes of this final project report are to describe and know to about the strategy and executio…