Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi yang dapat mengolah dan menyimpan data pengiriman barang serta dapat diakses konsumen dimanapun tanpa harus bertatap muka dan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai harga jasa dan tracking barang. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode Rational Unified Process dengan konsep pemodelan data menggunakan Unified Modeling Language dan metode ana…
Metode target costing merupakan metode yang dapat mengefisiensikan biaya produk atau jasa denganmenurunkan total biaya dari total biaya sebelumnya sehingga perusahaan bisa mendapatkan laba yang maksimal tanpa harus menaikan harga jualprodukaraujasatersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan target costing untuk jasa handling ekspor-impor pada PT Sarana Kary…
Nilai ekspor indonesia merupakan seluruh pendapatan yang diterima Indonesia dari proses perdagangan antar negara. Nilai ekspor yang mengalami kenaikan dapat mengakibatkan pertumbuhan perekonomian suatu negara menjadi meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kurs dan inflasi baik secara bersama-sama maupun secara individual terhadap nilai ekspor Indonesia periode 2002-2009.…
PT Samwon Busana Indonesia is manufacturer garment. For production process, it needs to import raw materials. This company is one of PKB (Penyelenggara Kawasan Berikat)and PDKB (Pengusaha Di Kawasan Berikat) in Bounded Zone, this company gets some facilities in import. Based on that, I was inspired to write my final project report on “THE IMPORTATION SYSTEM OF RAW MATERIAL AT PT SAMWON BUSANA…
Trading between countries which is termed export-import has been increasing rapidly. Export is one of the sources of Government revenue. To encourage the export of non-oil commodities, the Government allows companies to import capital goods such as second hand machinery. To ensure the quality, the second hand goods must be inspected by surveyor. The result of the inspection is issued in the for…
Export system to Saudi Arabia is different from that to other countries, because it needs special packing and had regulation trade that is SASO. The purpose of this final report are to know the handling of the thing in a non physical manner in the export system to the Saudi Arabia Country covering communication in negotiations, the characteristics of the market, the provisions of the trade, th…
Promotion is one of important elements in marketing. With a promotion, a company can introduce its product to consumers, either potential or also permanent consumers. Whatever important and useful the product is if it is not promoted, hence consumers would not know the product. The writer only explains promotion target, purpose of promotion, strategy of promotion, and exercise of promotional …
Business development in the current era of globalization impact on strict business competition. This also occurs on art products. To face the competition, a company should improve the quality of their products in order to attract consumers to buy them. The aim of this report is to determine the implementation of marketing mix carried out by CV Kurnia Cirebon in aiming target market f…