The study is about the strategies to cut down the imported container’s dwelling time in TPKS. Imported Container's dwelling time is the total time starting from the container is discharged off the vessel up to the container reach the getting – out terminal. The impact of high dwelling time is the increasing of YOR (Yard Occupancy Ratio) and the decreasing of BOR (Berth Occupancy Ratio). The…
Metode target costing merupakan metode yang dapat mengefisiensikan biaya produk atau jasa denganmenurunkan total biaya dari total biaya sebelumnya sehingga perusahaan bisa mendapatkan laba yang maksimal tanpa harus menaikan harga jualprodukaraujasatersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan target costing untuk jasa handling ekspor-impor pada PT Sarana Kary…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur kesuksesan sistem informasi NIS (Nasmoco Integrated System) Accounting dengan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).Pengukuran kesuksesan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja serta kesenjangan maka digunakan tiga dimensi kesuksesan sistem informasi menurut Delone dan Mclean yaitu kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi dan kualita…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalahuntuk mengukur kesuksesan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Piutang Negara dan Lelang (SIMPLe) dengan menerapkan Importance-Performance Analysis yaitu melalui tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kinerja sistem SIMPLe serta dapat merumuskan upaya perbaikan jika ditemukan kesenjangan antara keduanya. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penyusunan penelitian ini menggunakan variabe…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas website berdasarkan dimensi webqual 4.0, meliputi: kegunaan (usability), kualitas informasi (information quality) dan kualitas interaksi servis (service interaction quality) terhadap kepuasan pelanggan website Hasil dari pengujian terhadap tiga dimensi webqual 4.0 akan diplotkan pada kuadran importance pe…
“The Management of Import Documents at PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati” Management of import documents is very important in the process of importing the goods. PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati is a EMKL company that helps importer to manage import documents. Based on this description, the writer is interested in composing a final project entitled “The Management of Import Documents at PT C…
Recently, the government has provided various facilities to entrepreneurs engaged in import export. This is to support export and import activities in Indonesia and to facilitate the activities of economic growth. The facilities that have been given by government is to import raw materials from original countries and export the production. The facilities that have been provided by the g…
The purpose of writing this final project is to describe the mechanism of CISS in pre-shipment inspection, the definition and objective of CISS, the types of inspection in CISS, and the critical points of inspection in CISS. The data were collected by interviewing Mr. V, Prio Mudo Purwanto about some information supporting the purposes. The final project was written descriptively. It was fou…
Indonesia as develop country needs gas and oil supply to support transportation, and industry. The increasing of oil demand and the unoptimal production causes importing oil from foreign country. PT PERTAMINA (Persero) as the national oil company, import oil to fulfil the needs of oil in indonesia. In fulfiling the needs of oil in central java, PT PERTAMINA gives authorize to PT PERTAMINA (P…