PT Agung Teknik Rental is a company engaged in heavy equipment rental services. In carrying out its business activities, PT Agung Teknik Rental experienced several problems caused by the absence of a system that could facilitate cash and payroll records. A cash and payroll information system is used to process data and transactions related to cash and salaries to produce useful inform…
PT Agung Teknik Rental is a company engaged in heavy equipment rental services. In carrying out its business activities, PT Agung Teknik Rental experienced several problems due to the absence of a system that integrates the purchasing system with fixed assets in the company. The purchase and fixed asset system is a useful system to assist management in making decisions regarding the p…
Toko Mas Padi Semarang memerlukan sebuah sistem informasi pembelian yang dapat mengatasi masalah, seperti terdapat batasan perhitungan dalam perekapan transaksi dan kesulitan penetapan harga beli. Hal tersebut karena transaksi dicatat manual pada kertas maupun buku. Data pembelian ditulis dalam satuan barat menyebabkan kesulitan konversi nilai mata uang perhiasan saat transaksi. Lap…