Ekspor di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang cukup pesat. Hal ini dapat dilihat oleh banyak eksportir bersaing untuk memasarkan produk mereka di luar negeri. Eksportir bersaing untuk menyediakan dan memberikan yang terbaik bagi para pelanggan mereka. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kegiatan untuk melindungi barang dari serangan hama dengan fumigasi. Saat ini banyak fumigator mencoba untuk …
Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Rumah Permata Prima di PT PP Properti Proyek Permata Puri Semarang Bauran promosi merupakan senjata utama dalam menjual rumah akan tetapi belum pernah diadakan penelitian tentang bauran promosi tersebut. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bauran promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian dan bauran promosi…
Basically Promotion is one part of a placement program conducted by the company. Placement of employees is done by making adjustments to the needs of companies related to planning for the right person in the right position. The purpose of this final project is to determine the implementation of promotion on Divre BULOG Semarang in Central Java, to know the wor…
At present economy grows rapidly, many companies plan the higher sales target, but they have no good analysis toward selling strategy by the sales team. To do this, the should need to arrange the right strategy for the successful marketing program. The recommended way to grab the market share is to do promotion strategy for gaining the consumer’s attention. This research elaborates the pro…
This Final Project is the study about PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) strategy to promotion in using Non-PSO (Public Service Obligation) fuel. The purposes of this study are to find out the strategy of PT Pertamina (PERSERO) to promotion Non-PSO fuel, and also to know the strategies taken by the company to maintain non-PSO fuel customers who remain faithful to use Non-PSO fuel. This study…
Now internet comes with many benefits including the promotion activities. Many promotions have been done by many companies and personals promoting their products through internet service CV Jati Prima is a company that produces furniture such as cupboards, tables and chairs; all furniture is made of teak wood. The high quality products of furniture has the opportunity to be sold either in local…
Promotion is main activity of the company in order to maintain the credibility of the company. Promotion through exhibition is one of the primary key in expanding market share. The international exhibitions is a way to promote their products internationally. Abi Citra Kusuma is a company which produces and sell of handicraft from water hyacinth. Their goal is to reach the internati…
The purpose of this Final Project is to find out influence of promotion expense to the sales realization. The method used in the final project is Simple Regresion analysis. The data used are the primary data and secondary data through interviews, observation, search the internet and reference books. The conclusion of this final project, using the SPSS program obt…
Promotion is one of marketing mix elements which is also a key factor for the success of marketing program. The purpose of promotion are informing, persuading and reminding the customers of the company’s products. Promotion activities can be implemented by doing advertising, personal selling, publication and sales promotion. Based on the statement above, the title of final project was “T…