This study aims to determine: 1) whether the compensation and work environment has a positive and significant impact on employee motivation in logistic department of PT. Semarang Autocomp Manufacturing Indonesia (SAMI) Semarang, and 2) the most significant factors that affect compensation and work environment towards employee motivation in logistic department. In this study the author deploys…
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORK STRESS WITH WORK MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES IN PT WIJAYA KARYA BETON, Tbk. SALES TERRITORY IV SEMARANG PT Wijaya Karya Beton, Tbk. Sales Territory IV Semarang is a company that move in the precast concrete industry. With the development of enterprises that move in the same field with Wika Beton make Wika Beton management implement some policies/regulations and targ…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh etika kerja Islam, motivasi kerja, dan penghargaan diri terhadap kinerja karyawan pada industri perbankan syariah di Kota Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan bank-bank syariah di Kota Semarang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode accidental sampling. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model analis…
Karyawan merupakan suatu subjek yang penting dalam kelancaran manajemen operasional suatu perusahaan dalam hal ini bank. Kerugian yang dialami Bank BRI merupakan akibat risiko operasional yang disebabkan oleh lemahnya sumber daya manusia yang terletak pada motivasi kerjanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan motivasi kerja karyawan tetap dan karyawan karyawan pada PT. Ba…
The primary purpose of the research is to find out the influence of job mutations on employees’ working motivation in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Cabang Tanjung Emas Semarang. The methods of collecting data were observation, interview and questionnaire. They were distributed to 38 employees in general department at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Cabang Tanjung Emas Se…
The company must be supported by high quality of human resource to reach the company goals. The low level compensation can influence official working motivation. The primary purpose of the research is to find out the influence of compensation on servant working working motivation at Badan Koordinasi Wilayah II Provinsi Jawa Tengah. The methods in collecting data are observation, inter…
Job satisfaction is related to performance of employees. The job satisfaction experienced by employees could reduce or increase performance of employees. Employees feel that job satisfaction will have high productivity and will affect to increase the performance of company. But in reality not all employees of company have high productivity, because some of them have low spirit and don’t have…
As a service company in the field of rental and services, it would require a General Manager who has the managerial and operational skills are good, and also has the ability to motivate the employees to work with passion to achieve optimal results. This study aimed to find out whether there is an influence of leadership styles General Manager on employee motivation The analysis uses regression …
The purpose of the study is to find out employee perception of leadership style performed by the Director at BANK PD BKK PRINGSURAT TEMANGGUNG, based on Seng-Sengupta, Sunita (1997) from Fuad Mas’ud (2004) which consist of five dimensions. They are partisipative style, nuturant style, authoritarian style, bereaucratic style, task oriented style. The method of collecting the data were obser…