Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas layanan, kualitas produk, kerelasian nasabah, dan corporate social responsibility (CSR) terhadap citra bank syariah pada PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Kantor Cabang Semarang. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Populasinya adalah seluruh nasabah PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Kantor Cabang Semaran…
This research aims to investigate the effect of financial performance variables Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Current Ratio (CR) to the Stock Price with Return On Equity (ROE) as the intervening variable. The study is conducted to wholesale and retail companies that are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange within 2010-2014 periods. The samples are chosen by using Purposive Sampling Method, wher…
PT. Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk is a public company founded in Jakarta on October 4, 1975 which is engaged in transportation, opened a branch office in Semarang in 2004. To achieve the mission of the company is becoming the leading shipping company in Indonesia, the company needs to pay attention on customer loyalty. However, in the year 2010-2014 the number of customers decreased. The purp…
Competition in freight forwarding services industry becomes tighter there are increase of the transportation technology development on the contrary, the decline in cargo shipping rates happens, so the freight forwarding company strives to develop the right strategy survive in the logistics industries. The high number of demand for the export goods resulted in increasing of the number of export …
Inventory control of raw materials is very important in production activities in the company, without inventory control, the company will face the risk that the company cannot fulfill the customer demand on time, due to shortage of raw materials and the company can also issue high cost in case of excess inventory in storage. PT Sidomuncul Pupuk Nusantara in producing their product bio-organic…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis efektifitas penerimaan pajak restoran secara online dengan target penerimaan asli daerah.Melalui analisis yang dilakukan selanjutnya dapat dideskripsikan hambatan yang ditemui dan cara mengatasi hambatan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari DPKAD Kota Semarang berupa data yang diperoleh dari perusahaan, populasi peneliti…
Tujuan penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan jual dan beli saham dengan menggunakan analisis teknikal. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengolah data adalah menggunakan analisis Trend Line, Moving Average, dan Relative Strenght Index. Hasil yang dapat dicapai pada penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah pergerakan saham yang fluktuatif dapat dibaca dengan analis…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi tingkat kepuasan nasabah dan bagaimana cara meningkatkan kepuasan nasabah tabungan juara pada PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Cabang Pembantu Undip Tembalang Semarang dengan pendekatan indikator-indikator kualitas produk yang membangun kepuasan. Untuk memperoleh data tersebut caranya adalah menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 100 respon…
Bus Trans Semarang is one of a means of mass transportation in Semarang city. Service quality and Customer satisfaction are very important to create loyalty. This research aimed to analyze the influence of Service quality and Customer Satisfaction on customer loyalty on Bus Trans Semarang. The purposes of this final project are to determine the influence of Service quality and Customer Sat…
The purpose of the study is to know the influence of service quality toward customer satisfaction and to know the influence of customer satisfaction toward customer loyalty. In this project, sample were 100 respondents that taken by using purposive sampling and data collection method in this research using quistionnaire, observation, and literature study. The techniques of analysis were the exa…