This research aims at finding out the effect of financial literacy, income, and risk perception towards the investment decisions of Gold Savings at PT Pegadaian in Semarang both simultaneously and partially. The population in this research are all customers of PT Pegadaian in Semarang. The sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling Method, amounting to 100 respondents. The analysis model use…
This research aims to find out the effect of product, price, and promotion towards saving decision (study at Bank Rakyat Indonesia customer in the Salatiga region) either simultaneously or partially. The population in this research were all customers at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in the Salatiga region. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling technique, as many as 100 …
This study aims to analyze the significance of the effect of promotion, product knowledge, location, trust, and brand image of MSME actors at Bank Syariah Indonesia in Bojonegoro Regency. The population in this study is MSME actors in Bojonegoro Regency with a minimum age of 17 years old. The sample in this study was 100 respondents who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The da…
Dalam kondisi yang serba modern ini, hampir seluruh kegiatan manusia membutuhkan listrik. Untuk bisa memanfaatkan listrik yang tersedia, manusia memiliki kewajiban yang harus dipenuhi yaitu memanfaatkan tenaga listrik sesuai dengan peruntukannya. Namun, pada kenyataannya masih banyak pelanggaran yang dilakukan. Sehingga, pelaksanaan P2TL sangat diperlukan dan diharapkan mampu menaikka…