Restaurant business should prioritize not only product quality but also service to compete In order to survive. The purposes of this research are to identify the influence of the service of the waiters and cashier toward the loyalty of customers at Rumah Makan Ayam Goreng Ny. Suharti Semarang. The data used in the final project are primary and secondary data. The data are collected…
In central java, newspapers that already have big names is Suara Merdeka. Suara Merdeka newspaper has many loyal customers from all levels of life living in and around central java. Having many loyal customers is not easy, considering that changes occur each time. Market stays uncertain and with a declining public purchasing power, consumer choice is limited, while competition is increasing. Cu…
The establishment of many retail stores will absolutely impact on competition. In retail business the retailers take several strategies to attract customers to buy the displayed products. It means that, if they are interested, they keep on buying certain products in the future. The purpose of store environment is to draw customers attention. In this research store environment covers store image…
Health is one thing which most needed and wanted by personal, family, and society. Usually, Indonesian people get the health service from Puskesmas or hospital. Puskesmas Juwana is one of health service facility which located in Juwana and fulfill criteria as health service facility. The optimal service is important to give to the consumers, not only for the consumers, but also giving a satisfa…
The purpose of this final project include, knowing services at PT POS INDONESIA SEMARANG BRANCH, identifying dimensions of service delivery, analyzing the dimensions of service satisfaction and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty. The sampling technique in this research is `non‐random sampling that not all individuals are given the same opportunity to be able to be members of the sam…
Pasaraya Sri Ratu Pemuda Semarang is a retailer company. It sells the products to the customer directly. To make them interested in the product Pasaraya Sri Ratu Pemuda Semarang gives some facilities such as location, layout and display. The objective of this research is to analyze the correlation between location, layout and display to customers buying interest and to identify t…
Daily solopos is a newspaper in Surakarta District. In 2009, it was unstable in selling of the product. It could be seen that on August until December, the sales volume was unstable and decreased. Based on observation, there were many factors influencing the purchasing decision, and one of the factors was the product quality. The purposes of this research are to know whether there is a correla…
The purposes of this final project report are to determine the service attributes in the Customer Service Representative that customers want, to measure the level of importance for each attribute Service Customer Service Representative, to measure service quality Customer Service Representative, to analyze the appropriate level of service provided by the Customer Service Representative. Data…
Hotel Bandungan Indah is a hotel with 18 bungalow which divided to be a 27 room. Location Hotel Bandungan Indah in Veteran Street no. 3 Bandungan, district of Semarang. Many visitors come to the hotel but they just ask the price, and not stay in that hotel Based on the above descriptions the author is interested in conducting research on the perception of customers about the price costumer’s…