Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki potensi besar dalam produksi udang. Produksi udang di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang pesat berkat berkembangnya teknologi konveyor. Konveyor digunakan untuk mengangkut udang dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya secara otomatis. Dalam pengembangan nya konveyor konvensional pada produksi udang menemui permasalahan mekanika kompleks yan…
This study aimed to explains the obstacles and how to overcome them in the implementation of Perum Bulog. This study used descriptively written, while qualitative and quantitativeas data of the study which were taken from secondary source. The data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation method. The administration system used by Perum Bulog is in accordance with St…
PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan is the company involved in the service's electricity sector and is state owned. Currently, the company still uses manual method in managing the goods inventory. In searching information about the goods inventory is less effective and less efficient. The purpose of this final task is to design an information system the goods inventory based Visual FoxPro…